

Our Story

Kanoa808CReaTioNz was founded in 2020 by Uynice Kanoa. This company is dedicated to producing high-quality unique designs for digital downloads & printable graphics also for products that offer personalization that you would surely love.

Kanoa808CReaTioNz has created two Branches to assist with each type of designs. The first Branch is 808THReaDz which specifically produces one of a kind designs and personalizations on products that includes apparel such as T-Shirts, Sweaters, Tanktops and Matching Sets for family and friends that everyone can enjoy. Accessories will be added in the near future that one can create thier own gift set. Keep informed email.

808BLoGz is the second and latest Branch created. These blogs are made of random thoughts and ideas related to crafts, designs or “How To” instructions under “Blog101 For Dummies”. Helpful or helpless? Regardless, they are already posted lol and yes, a little humor may be added. Which reminds me to say this. 

Attention readers: you must have a sense of humor prior to entering or please find the nearest exit on your way out, preferably the door you came in buahaha jk. Laugh..its good for the soul.